The Facts!
In the 13km stretch from Maroochydore to Kawana, the Business Case calls for a capacity increase as follows:
Dwellings 11, 209 to 50, 751,
Population 23,222 to +100,000
Cars (est) 19,000 to 86,000*
*Car estimates based on dwelling numbers in Preliminary Business Case findings and Car ownership statistics from the QGSO.
This means they will cram 73% of Councils's infill "target" for the total region into this 13km stretch!
That's almost half of the regions projected population expansion by 2041 into this small area.
Source: Preliminary Business Case Interim Findings January 2020
Council's Transport Priorities Map released in June 2019 confirms "High Density" planned
The Business Case is choosing the form of public transport that facilitates the greatest "Urban Transformation" not what is best for the Community!
In doing this assesment, 30% of the weighting was placed on promotion of infill! Is this what the community wants?
The PBC Report further acknowledges:
A light rail intervention is projected to increase the resident population in the Sunshine Coast Urban Corridor
An increase in population means there are more trips made by car each day within the Sunshine Coast Urban Corridor.............
Based on the Gold Coast and Sydney experience this could cost up to $3billion!
Why do it when it means more cars and more congestion not less?​

Corridor Configuration

And What about Climate Change?
No Consideration given to Coastal Hazards and Coastal Erosion
Watch what is now happening along the NSW Coast. July 2020.
This plan will put more people in harms way!
Covid 19 showing the
higher the density the greater the risk!

Other Facts to Note
This proposal does not meet all the public transport needs of the region.
Car usage to still be at 70% of all trips in 2041 and Public transport 10%
The public transport take up is not enough to offset the increase in cars.
No implementation costs included or mention of who pays
No consideration given to impact on existing resident’s amenity
No consideration given to why people come to the Sunshine Coast in the first place…lower density housing/not the Gold Coast
Focus is on working population. If current demographic profile continues 53% will not work and therefore less likely to utilize public transport.
Stage one makes no allowance for East West traffic movements. All North South. What about all the hinterland traffic currently coming to the coast?
The Interim Business Case report states it is recommending the Public Transport mode that gets the best “Urban Transformation”, Light Rail. But is this the best Mode of transport for the Community?
Other Assumptions
Estimated 215,000 extra people on the Sunshine Coast by 2041 (QGSO estimates)
2016 =303,400
2041= 518,000
This will require 87,000 new dwellings across the total Sunshine Coast Region
62% infill development = 53,940 dwellings
38% Greenfield development = 33,060 dwellings
Infill means changing the zoning in low rise areas to accomodate more houses and highrise
Greenfield development is the re zoning of undeveloped land for housing.
Car Usage current = 85% 2041 = 70%
Public Transport usage current = 4% 2041 = 10%

Suburbs that will be impacted Directly
Alexandra Headlands
Battery Hill
Cotton Tree
Dicky Beach
Moffat Beach
Even if you do not live in these suburbs you will be impacted:
Health Safety
Access to the beach